
Begonias perform best in light shade or part sun, that is 4-6 hours of morning sun and will do well in deeper shade, especially the...
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₹ 599.00 ₹ 449.00
  • Begonias perform best in light shade or part sun, that is 4-6 hours of morning sun and will do well in deeper shade, especially the tuberous Non-Stops and the flashy foliage types such as Rex begonias
  • They thrive in warm temperatures, consistent moisture.
  • They prefer bright light but are not suited for intense, direct sunlight.
  • Begonias are also popular because they're so low maintenance. In warm climates, they may bloom year-round. Pruning is done in the spring in this climate.
  • Begonias thrive in soil that is neither dry nor saturated.

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