Periwinkle (Vinca minor) is an excellent evergreen groundcover with dark green foliage. Oblong to ovate leaves are opposite, simple, ½ to 2 inches long, glossy,...
Periwinkle (Vinca minor) is an excellent evergreen groundcover with dark green foliage.
Oblong to ovate leaves are opposite, simple, ½ to 2 inches long, glossy, with a short petiole.
They exude a milky juice when broken.
Flowers are purple, blue or white depending on the cultivar.
Very easy to grow in virtually any location. Best in fertile, well-drained soil.
Water thoroughly but allow soil to dry slightly between watering
Catharanthus roseus is an important medicinal plant distributed in many countries. It has attracted increasing attention due to it being shown to possess a range of phytochemicals with various biological activities such as antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic and anticancer properties.